Designer de jardins
My green destiny took root when, as a youngster, I strolled through my grandmother’s beloved garden. She was intensely proud of her flowers and of the universe she had created. My passion for nature and the world of vegetation grew from year to year until, in a life-changing moment, I met the Parisian landscape designer Philippe Dubreuil.
He encouraged me to pack my bags and go study in the country that is the site of the most sumptuous gardens and the source of the preeminent landscape designers, England.
At the prestigious London College of Garden Design at Kew Garden, I honed my talents as an exterior designer and received my training as a garden designer. I discovered there—in addition to Tea Time—the master professors who set me free to express my passion.
In July 2013, I became the first French entrant to compete in the category Young Designer of England at the Tatton Park show. In receiving the silver medal, I attained my proudest moment as a garden designer.
Today, based in Nice and Cambrai, I develop my own projects while continuing to learn my profession at the side of the esteemed English landscape designer James Besson, whom I met at the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show.
Since 2011, I have completed about 30 gardens for private owners, assisted by gardeners and contractors who have helped me learn even more about my field.
I view each garden as a voyage, fueled by a yearning to excel in the act of creation and to share the beauty of my work with others. I am motivated by a desire to build timeless spaces where art and nature are in accord. My thinking is constantly evolving, and I am attentive both to the expectations of my clients and to the unique qualities of the sites on which I work.
I aim to forge a bond between my clients and their space, to link my clients to nature by means of luxuriant vegetation and the spatial beauty of the garden I have created. Explore, develop, innovate, create….these are my bywords. To each, his own garden. Today I invite you to discover yours.
Whatever the size of your garden, your terrace or your patio, I shall optimize your space by using plantings that are geometric and simple. As well as being creative, I am devoted to the development of gardens that are easy to maintain and require minimal watering.
My design, titled “The Bees’ Garden,” won a silver medal at the prestigious Young Garden Designers competition of the Royal Horticultural Society’s 2013 Tatton Park show in Manchester, England.